I am so glad that you are reading this article. If you are currently interacting with your customers online, please do not limit yourself to simply sending out newsletters filled with discounts or weekly promotions. Contrary to popular belief, customers don’t jump for joy every time they get a sale in the mail. Getting a great coupon at the right time makes your customers happy and gets you return business. However, all the time is not the right time to send out discounts.
Instead of trying to lure your customers with freebies or low cost offers, focus on building your customer relationships. You build these relationships by keeping them engaged with consistent, quality conversation. Talk to them. Let them know what’s going on with you and what’s happening in your business. Ask them questions to find out what they want and give them answers, so they know that you are listening. The most common web tool solutions used to create online conversation are blogs and newsletters. My guess is that you might already have a blog or newsletter, but I can tell you that those assets are worthless to you, if they don’t consistently bring in business.
Great Newsletters have high open rates and attentive readers. They are filled with the right amount of information. Not too much text, not too much sales. They don’t just come out when you need a quick buck or a new sale. They are consistent and arrive on a regular basis. If you want to learn how to use newsletters to interact with customers, review my online eMail Marketing Course.
Related Article: Keep Your Customers Happy
I didn’t know anything about the subject of network marketing. Sista Sense has introduced and educated me about a subject that prior to subscribing to this group I had no prior knowledge of. -Thank You