Back to Business power moves Webinar Conference + master class series
Power Moves: Mastering the Art of Creating Your Best Business Online
Are you looking for new ways to enhance your business? Are trying to figure out how your small business idols are currently living the dream you want to be your reality? I believe the success of your business depends on the company you keep, which is why I invite you inside the SistaSense Power Circle for our 3rd annual Back to Business webinar conference.
Calling on the expertise of some of my personal "SheRoes", I once again want you to be in the company of powerful women who are passionate about seeing you succeed.
For the first time ever you will have access to 18 Power Circle Experts in a combination of live sessions + master class (pre-recorded) sessions you can access online + access to our private Power Circle Facebook community. This year I have divided our B2B Sessions into three areas to help you maximize your business building potential:
For Women in Business
Discover success secrets from the best in the business via this online audio series; for you to enjoy at your pace on your time.
For Women in Business
Get direct access to one full day of motivation, information, and powerful connections. Ask questions and get access to online replays.
For Women in Business
Download digital resources from the SistaSense Collection plus priceless tips and tools via pdfs shared by select presentors.
Are you ready to join us inside the Power Circle? Register Here
Think about it… when you look around your business and your life, who is there to lift you up and push you forward? I want to expand your power circle by inviting you into mines.
- NOW is the time to turn those dreams into reality.
- NOW is the time to learn from professionals genuinely invested in your success.
- NOW is the time to get direction and build a supportive power circle of your own.
Inside the SistaSense Power Circle you will find motivation, information, & powerful connections that will rock your world and expand it too! Our expert presentors are going to show you how to get both your life & your business back on track!
Master Class Sessions and Speakers

Evita Robinson
Crowd Funding Expert, Co-Speaker
3 Secrets to Crowdfunding: Get Money for Your Business

Rosetta thurman
5 Steps to a Profitable Online Business
Travel and Work from Anywhere in the World

Nubia sutton
HerSuccess: Using Information Videos to Build a Health & Wellness Businesses Online
live Webinar Conference Sessions and Speakers
bonus #2: Watch 3 Her startup story – dawn fitch Interview
bonus #3: Watch Blogging for Business with lashanda henry
Bonus #4: Private Power Circle FaceBook Group
The Success of Your Business Depends On the Company You Keep. Register Here
Our upcoming webinar conference is the ideal space for you to get answers to your BIG small business questions. Plus, as you can tell by the lineup, this is an event you DO NOT want to miss.
For years I have been sharing my personal money and marketing solutions for entrepreneurs online. I am thrilled to once again be able to do even more by giving you access to my circle of Powerful People; all passionate about getting you on the right path to success.
Get answers and make connections. All Power Circle Experts and Attendees will have access to our private SistaSense Power Circle Facebook Community. Register Here
Keep in mind … these speakers, myself included will be sharing the kind of “life changing”, “business building” solutions you would otherwise have to pay upwards of $1200 to receive at a live Conference Event. While "they" are spending hundreds of dollars on the cost of registrations, hotel fees and airline tickets you have the smart business advantange of attending the SistaSense Power Circle Conference in the comfort of your own home at a price thats just right for your pocket! Make your next power move, register today!
Have questions? Email
This is a lifetime pass to watch all sessions online, whenever you like at your own pace.
Having any trouble registering? Email me – LaShanda Henry and I can help.
What Sistas are Saying About the SistaSense Power Circle