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Sales Rule #3 for Woman Entrepreneurs: Content is King, but Consistency is Queen

SistaSense Sales Rules for Women In Business (1)

The words ‘sales’ and ‘selling’ are two of the nastiest words for most of the women entrepreneurs that I know. Those who struggle with saying these words all too often struggle with generating sales as well. They tell me these words make them feel ‘dirty’ and sometimes even ‘sleezy’. They tell me they don’t want to come off as ‘pushy’ or ‘money hungry’. They try to convince me, or rather themselves that they are happy just focusing on ‘putting stuff out there’ in the hopes that eventually the money will follow, but it almost never does. If you are like them, let’s take a minute to talk about what’s really hurting your sales, why more people aren’t buying your stuff and how you can fix this major problem that many women entrepreneurs face.

For my fellow online entrepreneurs who want to make sales, but hate selling I have a rule for you today that I want you to take note of and take to heart.

Sales Rule #3: Content is King, but Consistency is Queen

Just about every online entrepreneur knows that content is king, but few truly understand why consistency is queen. After writing the initial content for their website, a handful of introductory blog posts and producing that token ‘free report’ opt-in offer, the average webpreneur seldom generates as much content as he or she should even though they know quality content helps to build visibility and credibility online. Most will tell you they hate to write, don’t do social media, can’t find the time to post or lack the funds to pay someone else to do it for them. Whatever their (or possibly your) excuse may be, lack of consistent content is a major contributing factor to their (and possibly your) lack of sales.

The proof behind the statement “Content is King, but Consistency is Queen” can be found in one of my favorite old-school marketing adages. It’s all about the Rule of Seven, which says the average consumer needs to see or hear your marketing message at least seven times before they take action and buy from you. Unless your have mastered the art of closing deals on the first try or can prove that you are backed by someone most of your prospects know, like and trust, most people are not going to buy from you on the first or even the second encounter. This is especially worth noting, for those entrepreneurs who stop marketing after the first or second try. Think about how much information you are exposed to on a daily basis. How many things do you glance at each hour and never think to give a second thought except for those things that you repeatedly see on a consistent basis. Hold that thought while you consider the fact that your potential customers are being bombarded by as much information as you are, which means you have to consistently capture their attention over time. Consistent content distribution is the key to building relationships and making the kind of real connections that motivate people to try and/or buy your offers.

If you are not consistently creating content to capture the attention of new people while keeping your previous customers in the loop, you are going to forever business to those competitors who understand the value of consistency. While I strongly believe that conversion marketing matters most, there is merit to Seth Godin’s statement, “Content marketing is the only marketing left.” Nine out of ten serious online entrepreneurs are using some form of content marketing to attract clients, which means you’ve got to have a solid system to bringing people in if you want to eventually convince them to pay out.

Like the Evil Queen we all love to hate, consistent content creation is one of those areas that cause most entrepreneurs a great deal of pain. If you don’t have the capital, time or the self discipline to develop a weekly content creation schedule, I highly recommend trying a little technique that I like to call ‘Bulk tasking’. Over the course of three hours or sometimes three days I challenge myself to produce as much audio, visual and written content as I can; focusing on the topics my ideal clients are interested in and the offers that I desire to sell. Once produced I then auto-schedule out the new content via my blog, email and social media. This activity helps to simulate consistency. Content is king, consistency is queen and automation is the glue I use to hold it all together.

Think about your favorite companies and small business owners, how often are you getting information from them? Chances are they communicate with you on a weekly if not daily basis, right? You should be communicating with your audience at similar frequencies. If you really want to stay on people’s radar and create the kind engagement and responsiveness that translate into sales, this is what it takes. Building a tribe of loyal fans and followers via content marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate a steady influx of sales.

Do you want to supercharge your blog and business skills – click here to learn more about my 100 Days of Blog Posts Challenge – and I will show you how to bulk task / schedule months worth of blog content to help you consistently attract traffic and potential sales to your website.

We can also really dig into the topic of sales, here are a few SistaSense Resources that may be of interest to you:


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