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Grab Your 2010 Action Plan (Free Guide)

2009 isn’t quite over yet, but I think you will agree with me when I say it’s been a “Hell of a Year!” Seriously, figuring out how to maintain a small business in this economy was no easy task. But when you have mouths to feed and bills to pay, you had to keep going especially when the going got tough!

In 2008 I created an Annual Action Plan for entrepreneurs, which you might have read if your purchased my Plan to Profit eBook, a Blueprint to Online Business Success. Sticking to that Action Plan and my Plan to Profit System helped me not only Recession Proof my business, but make MORE MONEY this year. I’ll tell you how I increased my income if you keep reading, then go grab a FREE copy of my guide, ‘Create Your own 2010 Action Plan’.

I won’t lie to you, my sales dropped in the beginning of 2009. People were panicking, everybody wanted my marketing and web business know-how, but most had no money to spend! I had a few panic attacks (which is normal), but then I pulled myself out of bed and re-read my Plan to Profit system. Yes I read my stuff too! I like to think of myself as my first student … and a very good one at that (lol). Anyway, at some point, we all have to remind ourselves, what we are working for AND how to get the job done. I did what I tell you to do all the time. I stopped feeling frustrated and got focused on:

  1. Adjusting My Pricing and Payment Packages to Meet the Needs of My Customers in this New Economy
  2. Building My Email List to Maximize sales through No Cost Marketing Strategies
  3. Expanding My Inventory by Selling New Things to Old Customers and Getting a New Audience all together
  4. Tapping into ‘Easy Money Online’, in other words, money from people who want to pay me to promote their stuff via affiliate marketing, advertising, and Adsense
  5. Periodically Promoting Special, Deep Discount Offers to Spike my revenue when sales got slow

Before I knew it, I went from losing sales to making more money this year than I did in 2008! Wouldn’t it be great for your business to have a record high in sales and growth in 2010? Use my Action Plan Guide to think about what you’ve done in your business this year, so you can begin planning for next year. “No Plan, No Profit”, that’s my motto and I’m sticking to it!

Here is Your To Do List for Today

  1. Grab Your Free Copy of My Guide ‘Create Your 2010 Action Guide
    It’s 5 pages, you can do this in less than an hour!
  2. Did you grab one of the BONUS eBook Bundles that I am offering, which include my 15+ Marketing eBooks? 2009 is quickly coming to an end and I want to make sure you grab all my Marketing eBooks. There are less than 500 of these bundles left. Don’t miss out. Grab Yours Now.
  3. Watch My Video Tutorial ‘The Easiest Way to Boost Your Income in 2010
    As I mentioned above, there are people right now itching to give you money online. Don’t you want to know how they are?
  4. Join my Affiliate Program. I am one of those people interested in paying you!
    Promote my marketing eBooks and courses as an easy way to generate extra income online.
  5. Don’t give up! If I can thrive in a slow economy, I know you can too!

LaShanda Henry
Your Resident Web Expert and Marketing Coach |


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