The online marketing world is full of things that you want to do, can do and honestly should be doing right now. Trying to figure out how to start, where to start and what to do next might be a maddening process for you, but don’t stress. The key is to KISS, keep it seriously simple. If you are an OMG (overwhelmed, manic, genius), I am going to show you how to simplify the process, so you can amplify your success. Truth be told, there are more than few methods to managing the madness that is online marketing, but let’s not go all the way down that rabbit hole. What I plan to do is keep it seriously simple for you, by only sharing.
Those methods that have worked best for me when it comes to Online Marketing Made Easy. First let’s talk about the MORE Method. In your effort to build a successful online business, it is vital that you Master Originality Reach and Engagement (MORE). Beyond getting better at your craft, as an entrepreneur you must also do more when it comes to mastering monetization, marketing and sales. Simply put, you first have to commit yourself to rolling up your sleeves and doing the work. Keep in mind that your work does not begin and end somewhere between research, education and hiring help. Investing in service professionals and training programs will only get you so far. You must commit yourself to the act of consistently doing the real work around trying, testing and assessing your efforts on a regular basis. True mastery can only come through persistence, diligent practice, trial and error.
With that said, let’s tackle the big question here. What work should you be doing exactly? In the online business world content is king, consistency is queen and when combined they create coins. Your goal is to work on consistently creating more original content while authentically reaching and engaging your ideal target audience.
Now that you know the goal, the next natural question is how do you achieve it? How do you consistently create original content while authentically reaching and engaging your ideal target audience? Well, lucky for you, over the years I’ve developed and documented a few of my signature SistaSense solutions to accomplish this very goal.
There is the SIMPLE Method, which stands for “Select Item Market Promote Link Engage”. Using this method your objective is to select one focus offer you want to sell and then create a marketing plan, promotional campaign, links and engagement series around that one offer. Try it. Select one offer that will be your focus to test out the various methods and marketing strategies we’ll explore within this guide.
Once you have your focus offer in mind, we’ll spend most of our time together exploring different marketing strategies that might best fit your personality. For each marketing strategy, your challenge is to develop content around your focus offer using what I like to call the 4 3 1 Method. Essentially, I am going to walk you through different types of content that you can create. All of these content types are great, but I recommend you avoid trying to do them all at once. Don’t overextend yourself as this often leads to overthinking and underperforming. Remember KISS, keep it seriously simple. Your objective is to find the solutions that resonate with you the most right now. Focus on the ones you feel can potentially work best for you based on your industry, audience, skillset and time. Again, remember KISS, trust your gut and stick to your decisions.
Now let’s dig into how the 4 3 1 Method actually works. Of the various types of content that we will explore in this guide, if you select 4 types and create seven pieces of content for each one that will give you 28 pieces of promotional material. If you select three types and create ten pieces of content for each one that will give you 30 pieces of promotional material. Or you can select one type and create 30 pieces of content from that one option. The 4 3 1 Method is designed to help you develop 28 to 30 pieces of content; essentially one month of marketing material. Challenging yourself to produce at least one month’s worth of content around one offer will help you work on consistency, diversifying your marketing efforts and identifying which strategies work best for you and your audience.
If you are starting from scratch, with little to no content, avoid creating a little bit of information and trying to stretch it out over a long period of time. For example, don’t make the mistake of barely writing three posts or emails and then trying to publish just one piece per month. Little effort leads to little results.
Beef up your efforts by publishing as much as you can in the beginning, so you can start off with the perception that you are established, put together, and full of quality content even if you are just in the beginning stages of building your business. First impressions are everything. You want people to visit your website or find you online and think, “Wow! How did I not know about this business or person before?” When done correctly, effective online marketing motivates potential customers to explore your business, stay connected, buy and then come back for more. For this reason, your job is to wow your potential customers with beefy, information-packed digital spaces. Once you’ve setup a solid content-rich foundation, you can begin the process of putting out weekly or even daily content online.
When it comes to content marketing, let me pause for a second and share my personal truth. Creating content daily is not my thing, mainly because of my crazy busy schedule, which is why I developed and recommend what I like to call, the Bulk Tasking Method. Instead of creating content daily, take a few hours a week or a month to produce content in bulk and then use an automated scheduling tool to drip that content out to your audience via your platform of choice (email, blog, video, social media, audio, graphics, or all of the above). Now that you know some of my personal methods to managing that madness of online marketing, let’s put them to work by going over four types of effective online marketing solutions and dig into different types of content you can create for each one.
Remember, KISS, keep it seriously simple. Focus on one offer (for now), you can rinse and repeat this process with other offers in the future. Identify your preferred marketing platforms and content types based on the ones I will share with you next. Last, but not least, combine the 4 3 1 Method with the Bulk Tasking Method to create your content, build an initial foundation and automate the rest of your content as you see fit. And that’s it!
Pause: This is an excerpt from my Book Online Marketing Made Easy, watch the free webinar and download the full book via this link
QUESTION: Do you need to create more content? CLICK HERE for help.
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