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Tammie Reed – Successful.Sista.Profiles

Tammie Reed
Tv Talk Show
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Tammie Reed’s Bio:
Tammie Reed has become a powerful voice for aspiring individuals and has always sought to champion causes which would have lifelong impacts on our society as a whole. Her inspiration stemmed from humble beginnings where education was a key component in her journey. Having studied Business Management/Public Relations at Kent State University she transitioned from Cleveland, Ohio to Atlanta, Georgia in 2005 as an intern with widespread support from family and friends. In the fall of 2006, she was blessed with the opportunity to start her own show, “Talking with Tami”, as she wanted viewers to learn more about entrepreneurship and business ventures. Leaving an undeniable mark on her gift, she has exclusively interviewed many notable celebrities such as Usher,Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson,Garth Brooks,David Hasselhoff, Pamela Anderson, Queen of Cookin Paula Deen, from which was given one of her most uplifting and riveting interviews among many others. In like manner, she has braved the red carpet attending several star-studded events including the Miss America Pageants, Trumpet Awards,Grammys and BET Awards en route to becoming a face worthy of high recognition and admiration. She is proof that dreams begin with a vision, elevate on a climb and land atop a peak. Tammie stepped out on faith to conquer her mountain as her star continues to rise and shine on the lives of all who cross her path. Her show airs in 15 states and growing.

Successful Sista Survey
Success Stories and experiences of Business Women that we all can relate to and learn from.

Did you always want to be a Business Woman?
Being a business women was in my blood many moons ago! I have been a business women since I can remember lol. I have always worked for myself and had the entreprenuer spirit!

How would you describe your experience as a Black Entrepreneur?
I would describe my experience as a black entreprenuer as Pinktastic! I haven’t been faced with lots of ups and downs in the business world. People have always had open arms for me. I think my communication skills and personality has really payed off for me.

Looking back on your business decisions, is there anything that you would have done differently?
Looking back on my decisions in business, I would have started my career in tv a long time ago lol. But not really, now that I think about it, I wouldn’t change a thing because now I have more wisdom. I am also able to read people a little bit better, really understand what they are trying to say and do.

Did you have any formal business training? Do you think this is important to be successful?
Yes, I do have formal business training. I have a degree in Business Mgt/Public Relations. I also have a certification in TV Production. I really do value education and I do think its very important to have to be successful. In todays society though, I don’t know if it will help you too much now.Things change with the speed of light. They want “the best” person for the job, but don’t want to pay you anything. It’s sad but true.

How has family/friend support financially or otherwise affected your business efforts?
My immediate family has supported my business from day one. When I was having dreams of doing a talk show, others thought I was crazy, but not my family. My husband loved every minute of it and paid for everything I needed! He even took classes with me and still does today to make sure if someone can’t do something he can be my backup! My kids help out too! I love my family for that!

How do you work on making your business grow?
I work on making my business grow by networking and staying professional. Hitting the pavement, internet, girls nite outs,publications,radio,tv,mixers, shoot wherever people are, I try to tell them about my show.I’m my biggest promoter.

What words of wisdom can you share with other business women?
Always keep every business card you get, you may need it one day! Treat everyone with respect! I dont care if its a janitor! That janitor may be able to get you in a back door one day! Toodles!!!


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