This is Woman to Woman Small Business Advice: Start-up Questions and Marketing Advice from the (BBWO) Black Business Women entrepreneurs and business bloggers.
The question for today: Am I too old or too out of the technology loop to get into social media? The answer – absolutely not. If my 4 year old can use my iphone and my 50+ year old web clients can tweet with the best of them, so can you. The following discussions have been started by BBWO members who are sharing their advice and experiences with respect to social media marketing and internet marketing best practices.
7 Steps to Social Media SWAG
Posted by Pam Perry | You’ve heard the term swag lately. Someone may say, “I like your swag” or “He’s got swag!” And although you may not find this popular term in Merriam-Webster’s version of the dictionary, it is used worldwide by teens, recording artists, TV critics and most importantly for your sake… social media …
Social Media From an Older Woman’s Vantage Point
Posted by Michelle Hawkins | Social Media is all the rage and if you’re not using it you’re wondering should you. It looks time consuming and it can be, Yet it doesn’t have to be. I didn’t start out doing a lot of things in social media because I’m somewhat technophobic. You start talking to me in techie terms my eyes start glazing over. The surprise is that I’ve become the SEO Queen, literally by accident. Google and my sell …
Do You Think Free Stuff is Always Good For Your Business?
Posted by Latersa Blakely | Do you think receiving free stuff is good for your business? Well, I want to share with you a few tips on why getting things free may not always be best for you. When I first started my business, I need a good website. I went with Vistaprint because it was very cheap and I needed a website to show case my diaper cakes. Well, little did I know, you don’t have any rights to your website, and you have to do a lot of coding and sale listing manually. When It came time for me to check google analytics on my site, they told me …
(video) Twitter Marketing For People Who Don’t Get It
Posted by LaShanda Henry | During my conversations with other women at the BE Women of Power Summit and even talking to those of you who joined me on my last live social media call I’ve noticed a pattern. Everyone keeps saying, “I want to get into twitter, but I just don’t get it.” That is why I created this video …
Blogger Vs WordPress, Selling Ad Space, and Twitter Marketing
Posted by BBWO Members | The question for today: Blogging, where do I start? If you are not actively marketing offline then the success of your online business is heavily dependent on how well you can build a blog and develop a strong social presence. …
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LaShonda you are gracious, wise, creative, edgy and so wonderful at providing great resources and information to empower womena and to impact the online commuity. Thank you for your patience.
I learned of you from my PR Coach Pam Perry and I have enjoyed buying your products and listening to you. Thanks for the above articles.