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Am I A Hater Because I Love Black People?

This morning wasn’t very different from most. As soon as I got into work mode, I opened up my facebook page to jump into recent conversations and discovered someone left an interesting comment on one of my posts.

Y DO U Use ur colour in such a dis respecting way to ur forefathers what was a real living issue for them, exploiting ur colour this way makes u fickle, ignorant, predjudice, such a hyporcrite & un imaginative…let go & move on with the re…st of us or don’t insult ppls intellegance like pretending ur a special breed of human ur the same good & bad as everyone else….how dare u segragate in this way …i find u very offensive & i am not discribing who i am….Y??? who has an issue…who is promoting hate & segragation!!!! -@Star Ducks

While I would love to say I was shocked to hear someone felt like this way about who I am and what I do online, I am not surprised because I get comments like this all the time on my youtube videos. Even though I am about community, even though I make it clear I love working with other black women BUT everyone is free to connect with me online, I still get this kind of response which leads me to ask the question: Am A Hater Because I Love Black People?

Why is it ok for other cultures to support their people but my vision, my support is misunderstood and misconstrued in such a demonizing way?

To the comment above I said:

While I won’t be so bold (as you) to make any rash judgments on your character, I will say this … In all my life I’ve never chosen to do or promote any of what you suggest. I am not here to put down or isolate, just the opposite… between the millions of black women and men like myself who feel a void and need positive reinforcement about who they are and what they are doing, I AM HERE to bring us together, keep us connected, and say that it is OK for us to support one another.

While you take this time and your effort to so passionately hate and disrespect me, I’m hoping I can take a few minutes to open your eyes to the fact that all forefathers of every race, creed, and color encouraged pride in one’s self, culture, and community. All cultures look to their elders to teach the children history. All cultures look to their people to work with one another, teach one another, and lend a hand in all ways possible.

Would you say what you have just said to me to a Jewish person building a school for Jewish Children? An Asian person building a store in a local Asian community? An hispanic person committed to hiring hispanic employees giving back to his/her community? Again, why it is you feel this is about hate & segregation speaks not to my character, but your take on the world. You do not or perhaps don’t want to see how uplifting ones people promotes financial, spiritual, self esteem building that no one can or should question.

In spite of what you said and perhaps for the exact same reasons you said it, I will with all my might continue to do what I do and do it well. -LaShanda Henry

And then at that point I felt compelled to do more, say more so in this status update, I asked my facebook friends to also chime in. As I suspected, many of them feel as I do. Creating a space in support of us is natural, expected, and should be respected by everyone rather than torn down by anyone who mistakes being pro-black with being anti-everybody else.

Feeling the need to make my point clear and widely known, I decided to post this again and also request you watch the three videos mentioned below:

(video) How to Tap Into Your Strong Black Woman Power
BE Women of Power Summit – Recap + Words of Wisdom
Video: Why We Need More Black Business Owners

More Knowledge To Come – More Love to Share – Lashanda.


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7 thoughts on “Am I A Hater Because I Love Black People?

  1. flavawear says:

    Sista Girl, All I can tell you is to keep on doing what you’re doing, and hopefully others are picking up the mantle and doing the same. There’s no reason not to want to represent and help your own. There’s nothing wrong with fair exchange. No one else is doing it for us. Until Blacks understand that hand outs are put in place to keep you dependent upon another, than they will realize the mindset they’ve been thrust into and wake up.
    I attempt on a daily basis to help those around me see that we make our own opportunities and then show them how we can hopefully move beyond the hype. That’s why I have entered the rat race of the internet, you’ll be happy to know that there are plenty, thousands of proud african americans who feel the same. Peace and Blessings!,

  2. Daphne says:

    Hey LaShanda,

    I was reading this post you placed and must say that I feel as if this person just doesn’t know any better.You are indeed a positive, motivated sister who loves her community, her people and her culture.. Keep doing what you do by uplifting, educating, and bringing the community together.
    You are my inspiration!

  3. Toynga says:

    I agree with you Lashanda, I don’t see any wrong in what you are doing, One thing I can say to you is you know how to market and most people don’t, that’s the only thing I could see what the problem is. It’s nothing wrong with promoting what you do or have done, this is your job and your life, keep succeding My sista! Shake the Haters off, eventually they will find a life and make the most out of it for themself.

  4. Iceman Baldy says:

    I’ll answer your question with a resounding No. We are proud without prejudice and we encourage without being exclusive. The special attention and concern that we demonstrate for our community ensures full and equal participation so that everyone prospers.

    • admin says:

      Thank you all for being so supportive and taking the time to comment. Sometimes it needs to be said out loud, “I’m Black and I’m Proud!”

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