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Unblock Your Blessings #7: Choosing Your Company

I believe that you can unblock your blessings. Starting a business, working from home, living [...]


PR and Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs: Become the Media You Seek

Before viral videos and tweets became popular, media coverage was one of the best ways [...]

Unblock Your Blessings #6: Choose to Work Not to Wait

I believe that you can unblock your blessings. Starting a business, working from home, living [...]

A Gift, A Deal, A Call: Blog and Business Resolutions to Keep

Can I just say that you rock! Why do you rock? Well.. I truly appreciate [...]

Raise Your Credit Score 100 Points in One Year

I know you’re probably thinking, “Is it really possible to raise my credit score 100 [...]

The Procrastination Stops Right Here, Right Now: Activate Your Vision

Lucinda Cross Shares How to Activate Your Vision: “I am starting a Procrastination Rally. No [...]

It Takes Confidence to Break That Glass Ceiling in Business for Women

I think we can all agree that everyone has heard of the “Glass Ceiling” for [...]

(live sat) Fierce, Focused, Fired Up! Webinar Conference

Activate 2015 with us this weekend inside the SistaSense Power Circle for our Fierce, Focused, [...]

Goals to Money – Part 2

Are you ready to get all your great ideas out of your head and into [...]

(5 days until) Fierce, Focused, FiredUp Webinar Conference

Women Entrepreneurs: It’s time to get Fierce, Focused and Fired Up! The 3rd Annual SistaSense [...]

5 Steps to Get What You Want Every Year (audio)

In between the ups and downs, each year is full of hidden opportunities to get [...]

(starts today) LIVE RICHER Challenge

Good stuff: Inside my inbox today was Day 1 of the LIVE RICHER Challenge, a [...]