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Natural Haircare Products for African American Children: CARA B Naturally Review

CARA B Natural Products, Inc. is dedicated to providing premium quality, all-natural skin and hair [...]


Are you Reading to Your Kids? Pledge to Read for the Record with Jumpstart! (new video)

New Video Above, click here if you can not see it. LaShanda Henry, creator of [...]

I'm a Dummy!

Sorry… my writing skills are off today. What I meant to say is I’ve been [...]


Social Media Money Tips for Women Entrepreneurs + My Just For Today Thing

Right now I have Social Networking / Social Media Marketing ALL Over my brain. While [...]

HP PhotoSmart TouchSmart Web Printer Review

I don’t consider myself to be a hard core mommy blogger but I am a [...]

Facebook Marketing for Coaches: Profile Page Vs Fan Page

Here is a question I recently got on my Facebook Page: Hi LaShanda, hope you [...]

ATL Entrepreneurs: Pitch Your Business for a Chance at $10,000 in Startup Financing

I just got a message from my pals over at TheCashFlow: Atlanta Entrepreneurs, The CashFlow [...]

5 Side Hustles to Make Extra Cash Fast

I recently came across a classic post from one of my fellow mommy bloggers and [...]


African American Women in Business: 10 Hottest Business Divas

Have you seen this list from BVMoney? African American Women in Business: 10 Hottest Business [...]

SistaSense Sings: I wanna be a billionaire so Freaking Bad!

So I was hoping to start Monday Mixes this week, but you know how it [...]

New Giveaway The Snowy Day Children's Book + Patti LaBelle + Black Moms Club Today

I decided to switch things up today (remember I am doing new things on sistasense). [...]

SistaSense Giveaway: Marketing and Sales Course for Women Entrepreneurs

I recently received a heartfelt email from one sista who expressed a deep desire to [...]