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6 Types of Tools that Make Me Money Every Week: Tools I Use to Create and Sell Digital Products

If you are looking for a list of hand-picked, budget-friendly solutions to help you build [...]

Travel Tips for Treps: Get This Before Your Next Business Trip or Speaking Engagement

  As a mommy entrepreneur, there are quite a few perks to traveling for business. [...]

3 of 6 Ways to Make Money at Home Quickly

I’ve had the pleasure of being a work at home for the last eight years. [...]

3 Secrets to Crowdfunding: Get Money for Your Business

If you have ever tried to launch a crowd funding campaign, you know that it’s [...]

Startup Capital: Donations, CrowdFunding and Sponsorship Recommendations (audio)

Are you interested in bringing in donations, tapping into crowfunding or attracting sponsors on your [...]

10 Successful Kickstarter Projects For Our Everyday Lives

Raise your hand if you would like to tap into crowdfunding as a source of [...]

Investment Capital, Cash Back and Cool Deals

A wise man once told me if you want to run your best business, you [...]

Leaving Your 9-to-5 to Run Your Business Full Time: How to Create a 3 Month Plan

I am definitely not in a position to tell anyone to quit their day job, [...]

Mobile Banking Tools Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners Should Use

While sharing some of my favorite mobile business apps at the Power Circle Conference, I [...]

(audio) SistaSense Money Mindset System

Turning that tiny seed into a thriving, growing business is what the SistaSense Make Money [...]

Keep More of the Money You Make Tip #1

My hubby and I are serious online shoppers especially when it comes to big purchases [...]

(press release) Wells Fargo approves a record $1.24 billion in SBA loans Wells Fargo is No. 1 SBA 7(a) lender in dollars for the fourth consecutive [...]

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