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[Day #12] Fire Start the New Year: A Message for Women Entrepreneurs

  Do something today that your future self will thank you for. This is it, [...]

[Day #11] Active Talkers vs Action Takers

Take a page out of my book… literally. This is day #11 inside 12 Days [...]

[Day #10] 7 Steps to Triple X Success

I never dreamed about success. I worked for it. -Estée Lauder This is day #10 [...]

[Day #9] Create Your New Normal

Clear out the clutter in your life and make room for something better. This is [...]

[Day #8] Confusion to Clarity: Discover Your Next Right Step

You are confused not because you don’t know what to do, but because you won’t [...]

[Day #7] Convert Your Browsers Into Buyers

The reason it seems that price is all your customers care about is that you [...]

[Day #6] Encore: Keep Your Customers Coming Back for More

An encore is a repeated or additional performance. This is day #6 inside 12 Days [...]

[Day #5] How to Handle Challenges Like A True Boss

The Way Through the Challenge is to get still and think about the next right [...]

[Day #4] For Women Who Want More #GoalDiggers #GoGetters

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things [...]

[Day #3] Three is a Magic Number

The number 3 refers to the Trinity, and means that you are receiving divine protection, [...]

[Day #2] Gift Giving Season: Two Gifts Are Better Than One

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a GIFT of God, which is [...]

[Day #1] The Finish Strong Start Stronger 5 Day Challenge

My 12 Days of Fire and Focus Christmas countdown officially starts now. Today I encourage [...]

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