Blogging for Business: 3 Types of Profitable Posts (audio)
Do you blog about your business? I know that might seem like an odd question [...]
Twitter Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs (video)
Ready to Tweet for Business? On our last Jumpstart Your Business Webinar I shared Twitter [...]
3 WebTools to Create eBook Covers
In the audio video above I talk about 3 web tools that you can use [...]
What to Do Daily, Weekly and Monthly to Brand Your Book
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” [...]
5 Essential Book Marketing Tips
Whether you are a traditionally published or self-published author, daydreaming about your bestseller is not [...]
Get Your Readers and Customers to Comment, Share and Enage More (audio)
As part of my Jumpstart Your Business weekly teleclass series, our last call was entitled, [...]
Thinking Big: How to Improve Your Traffic and Expand Your Brand Online
A few weeks back I shared the audio replay ‘What’s wrong with your website? Improving [...]