A huge part of being a successful business person is having your finances in order. For that reason I would like to put together a collection of informative posts that focus specifically on Finances, Grants, Self Employment, Taxes, Budgeting, Investing, and money management.
If you are a fellow entrepreneur with a great finance post that you would like to share, please email your article to lhenry[at]msoyonline.com, subject ‘BBWC: Business and Finance Post’. Accepted submissions will be featured on the Black Business Women Connect Blog, http://bwomen.blackgirlclick.com. I will be sure to email all accepted writers once your post is online, but keep in mind that I get quite a bit of email, so it will take me some time to go through submissions.
Review the latest finance posts
Black Business Women Connect
Lisa Rogers-Cherry is a nationally renowned author and motivational speaker. She is diligently working to assist people in avoiding this foreclosure crisis, bankruptcy etc.
Lisa has her book “Lifting the Burdens of Debt” with two corresponding workbooks and wrote a chapter n a book published in 2007. As a financial expert she is a frequent guest of radio/contributes to the Florida Courier-a statewide Black owned newspaper and is in demand to speak to various groups.
If you google her you will see various works and forums.
I saw your bullention from myspace which we are in each other’s circle. My site is http://www.myspace.com/southfloridaprbyreeder and hers is http://www.myspace.com/burdenlifterlisa