If you are looking for ways to make money or earn extra cash online, take Advantage of revenue sharing websites online. Revenue Sharing sites are generally social networking spaces on which members get paid to participate. Depending on the focus of the website, members are usually asked to create some type of content like:
1. How to- Articles
2. Product or Service Reviews
3. Videos
4. Audio
5. Blog Posts
In some cases members might get paid for what they contribute, but in most cases members are paid a percentage of the advertising commission generated from the ads featured on the content pages. For example: eHow.com is a revenue sharing website. You can signup and share your informative how-to articles. If your article is popular and people visit it often and click the ads on your article page, you will get a percentage of the commission from those ads.
Here are a few other Revenue Sharing Websites:
1. About.com
2. Squidoo.com
3. Blip.tv
4. BlogTalkRadio
5. ePinions.com
For a complete listing of websites where you can earn revenue or affiliate sales download my eBook, the Web Entrepreneurs Back Pack or signup for my Make Money Online Course offered on WebTechGurl.com.
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