Buy Black Collective: Black Business Spotlight
A Message from R. Lee Gordon, owner of UniTee Design
“As a heart, mind, body and sole proprietor, I’m sure, like many of you, it always seems we’re trying to do too much with never enough . . .
That said, I’m excited about the promise and potential of UniTee Design . . .
While I researched and wrote the business plan more than three years ago, in about six months, the company has accomplished so much in validating its value in the marketplace — from New York City to Atlanta to Chicago to Sacramento and moreso in my hometown of Motown — people have reached out to support me in its success . . .
I’ve been equally humbled by the overall response of my company’s products and marketing products (i.e., website, posters, flyers, etc.) . . .
While I’ve had some recent challenges with production that has affected distribution, I’ve been able to overcome most of them as I continue to learn better ways to better the business daily . . .
My biggest need right now (besides more sales) is to better understand the nuances of Internet marketing and how to develop a more prolific presence in cyberspace (blogging, affiliate programs, etc.) so any advice towards that end would be greatly appreciated . . .
And if there are any potential investors out there, I know taking UDI to the next level would happen much more quickly than I can afford to move it forward alone . . .
I love and value the synergy of learning from others, and truly believe you all are my greatest resource and assurance for success; thus any other suggestions or advice you can offer is gratefully appreciated . . .
I’d like to share with you the reason(s) I started UniTee Design and welcome your assistance in achieving “my mission to better educate our children” to brighten our collective future . . .
For more than a dozen years now, I’ve devoted every day to making Detroit a better place to live, work and play. As a marketing professional, I’ve worked alongside a global entrepreneur to develop concepts and companies in the restaurant, media, retail, entertainment, homeland security and technology industries. I also helped my family start a successful company in my hometown of New York City. And, as director of marketing for an international franchise, I trained more than 500 business owners in marketing and public relations.
Because my love for my people and of all children runs deep, I decided to apply my professional experience and business acumen to help in a broader, more meaningful capacity. Lord knows I get so tired hearing about all the problems we face and endure, when what we really need to start talking and being about is solutions.
So, three years ago, while still hard at work in and on Detroit, I started to research and write a business plan for my new company, UniTee Design. As a youth enrichment and ethnic empowerment enterprise, its primary mission is to rally Black Unity so we can find and deliver better ways to ensure our youth have more academic successes. I truly believe education is critical to uplifting the course of our future. And the most effective way to teach our children is together, one community, one parent and one person at a time.
I didn’t think it wise to rely on George or General Motors to give our young generation all they need to succeed, so I decided to produce and sell designer tee-shirts that represented the beautiful colors of our unity to fund leading youth education programs, and would create awareness, dialogue and, most of all, movement in my (and our) mission.
While it took a long leap of strong faith to jump from a well paying job and fruitful career, and put my own monies and my family’s (including a two week old daughter) well being at risk, my sole goal now and every day is to improve the successes of our children by promoting and supporting their quality of life and learning.
The reason the BBC is so important is fairly simple . . . 97 1/2 percent of every dollar we spend is spent outside of our community; just imagine if the reverse was true . . .
At best, we are strongest together . . .
Thank you for caring and sharing . . .
R. Lee Gordon
UniTee Design, Inc.
Toll Free: 888.OUR.RBG.TEES”
Buy Black Collective: Black Business Spotlight
This post is brought to you from the Buy Black Collective: a networking group on Black Business Women Online in which the members receive financial and business support from each other collectively investing in every members business. For more details click here or join the Black Business Online Network.
As someone who waved good-bye to a lucrative and promising corporate career, in 1990, I am confident that your faith, determination, and reasch will prevail with prosperity …beyond your expectations.
After reading your story, I am empowered with a renewal of my faith and determination to reach the pinnacle of success for my vision.
Ar Lena