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Really Simple Sales Solutions Part 1

Most people think that the secret to more sales is more customers. Obviously if you get more customers to buy, you will make more money. However, simply going out and promoting your business to more people, isn’t the answer – or at least it isn’t the easiest answer available to you.

Don’t get me wrong. I am a ‘marketing mama’. I am all about attracting new clients to my business, but there is a right way and a wrong way to do this. I find more often than not, folks simply promote their business to the general public or large audience and hope that someone will buy. I never liked statistics in high school, so I hate the idea of spending time and money on random promotion in the hope that someone will buy. I like to keep the odds in my favor, which is why I believe that strategic marketing is the way to go.

Before I even get into strategic marketing as a sales solution, let me talk about a few other really simple sales solutions. First and foremost, the easiest way to get more sales is to go back to the people who already bought from you and sell them something else! I learned that one from my good friend and marketing expert, Richelle Shaw. For a long time, I put all my energy into getting new customers and I failed to realize the great list of existing customers that I already had.

If you read my article, the One Thing You Need to Make Money Online, you know by now that your list of customers is your biggest asset. Why? Well for starters, if they bought from you before, you have a better chance of selling to them than something else. Also, if they trust you and follow you, you can increase your profit by selling them on other things. Think about it. In addition to sharing your own products with your list, you can make a commission by telling them about similar products or services from affiliate programs.

Now if you took my Affiliate Marketing and Ad Sales Course, you should know that selling to your list is second to protecting your list. You never want to bombard your readers with too many emails or too many sales. If they stop trusting you, your list becomes less effective, which is why you should always put the safety of your list above your desire for sales.

Really Simple Sales Solutions Part 2 Coming Tomorrow!


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2 thoughts on “Really Simple Sales Solutions Part 1

  1. patbrittany says:

    I believe what your are saying is true because I’m the same way I never thought about going back to the people i already have. I have a problem I’ve been trying to solve I have told people about a free opportunity to make money and they still turn it down Why? Do you think that people are burnt out on stuff?

  2. SistaSense says:

    Patbrittany wants to know if people are tired of freebies? After reading my post “Really Simple Sales Solutions“, she said:

    I believe what your are saying is true because I’m the same way I never thought about going back to the people i already have. I have a problem I’ve been trying to solve I have told people about a free opportunity to make money and they still turn it down Why? Do you think that people are burnt out on stuff?

    My response: People never get tired of freebies, but they always get tired of hearing pitches. If your pitching an opportunity, right there is when the door gets slammed in your face. It’s like asking your friend to go out with the guy who has a “Really Nice Personality.” Putting the word FREE in front of a Business Opportunity, isn’t going to do much because most people have been pitched to at some point in their life, so automatically their defense goes up and its HARD to break that down.

    So what am I saying, stop pitching your product? No. I’m saying you need to get rid of that FREEBIE Sales pitch and start promoting your venture in a whole new way. You have to understand why people buy. *Sound Famililar, because I know I’ve said that one before *lol*. Alright, I hate saying please but please go watch the video Why People Buy and read the WHOLE article too entitled Black People Don’t Buy, URL:

    People always want to buy SOMETHING or get SOMETHING for free, but they don’t want to be SOLD TO! I know that’s confusing, but think about it. What do you do when someone comes up to you and tries to sell you something. … you walk away, rush the conversation, tell them come to the chase and tell me what’s the catch? *lol*

    I find that when you talk about your business like you love it, when you SHOW people why something can work for them WHY they need it WHY the SHOULD want it … their eyes start to sparkle and light up. When you add value, FREE OR WITH PRICE TAG, people take notice. But when you are trying to make a commission or a hustle happen under the guise of FREE, folks spot that a mile away. Is that what your doing? I don’t know. Maybe not. But if it is, that’s probably why you can’t give away your product even for free. Hey, we all have to go back to the drawing board every now and again and figure out a BETTER way to market our product or service.

    Trust me when I say that its never because people aren’t buying. It’s usually because we are trying to sell them the wrong way.

    Alright, I’ll get off my high horse and go take a nap. *lol* Go watch the video:

    I’m going to make this one a post!

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