When you have a website like an online magazine, blog, or social network that gets decent traffic, you have an opportunity to make extra money online. Adsense is great, but it’s even better when you can cut out the middle man and get all the profits for publishing ads on your website.
Banner Rotators are great. You can use them to promote your own websites, feature affiliate links, and of course sell ad space to people who want to promote their business on your website. My Black Banner Rotator is on all my networks and its very popular.
One of the first ways I started making money online is through my banner rotators. I realize that you might not be a techie girl like me, so I finally decided to share my banner rotator with you. Now you can get my banner rotator script, so that you can create your own banner rotators too! Check out my new website: http://www.mybannerrotator.com.
Are you already selling Ad Space on Your Website? If you need more traffic or if you are looking for websites where you can advertise your business checkout: BlackAdspace.net: http://www.blackadspace.net.
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