Sistas Who Sell: Seven Day Challenge
Of all the things YOU could possibly learn about building your business online, don’t you really JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW TO MAKE MORE SALES? If your answer is ‘YES’, then I invite you to join my SISTAS WHO SELL: 7 DAY CHALLENGE.
SistaSense Circle Audio Session
For the next 7 days, I would like to tell you about 7 Strategies that help:
Improve Your Online Sales
Build Your Business Brand
Increase Your Cash Flow Build Your List Increase Your Online Buzz
In case you haven’t met me yet, let me introduce myself. I am LaShanda Henry, web designer and internet marketing expert. I am the creator of, Black Business Women Online, the Black Moms Club, and 20+ other diverse websites ( I am a full time work at home mom. I’ve been interviewed in Essence,, and The Network Journal. All my income is through building websites, selling eBooks, advertising, and coaching online. Having established my own online business, my present mission is to help other women entrepreneurs learn how to do the same.
This challenge is NOT a time consuming, technology intensive, information overload FEST. It IS seven (10 – 15 minute mp3 audio sessions) designed especially for newbie web women entrepreneurs trying to figure out how folks market and make money online. Every day for the next seven days my goal is to open your eyes to:
Any mistakes you might be making What I do to consistently make sales online What things DO NOT work
After the challenge your objective should be learning How to Incorporate the Strategies I recommend into your Online Business. I am doing this for you because many of the women in my circle (maybe you) have been looking for someone to breakdown what online sales is all about. I am ready to tell you exactly what I do BUT it is up to you to COMMIT to learning HOW to get this STUFF DONE.
Have you ever gotten a free eBook or anything free for that matter? Is it still sitting in the same folder you downloaded it into; unread and never used? I personally find folks LOVE freebies but NEVER VALUE OR use them like they should. Moreover if you CAN NOT invest $7 into your business then quite frankly you DON’T need to be in business. If I am willing to spend the time to share my knowledge and experiences with you THEN you should be willing to make a personal investment in you.
This challenge is happening now BECAUSE I think this is the ideal time of year to learn new things and make new strides in your online business. THAT being said, I will be taking this challenge down in FEW DAYS.
If you want to signup, now is the BEST TIME to do so.
To your continued success!
LaShanda Henry a.k.a. SistaSense
p.s. Not ready to start the challenge? Take this quiz: Why People Don’t Buy Your Stuff Online.
I bought a book for $40 and it is still in the package that is suppose to teach me how to get leads? I think I am the opposite. I am working a job that I am not happy with and want to really succeed in MY home based business.