I never get tired of talking about the biggest mistake that entrepreneurs make, because I’m here to help you get this right the first time around. I’m about making money, not mistakes and you should be too. Did you read my article, the one thing you need to Make Money Online? If you did, I hope you are not one of those people leaving money on the table?
As I mentioned in that article, in order to make more money, you need to keep your current customers happy. Most entrepreneurs make a sale and then frantically rush off to the next one. Unfortunately, that strategy won’t help you build a strong, lasting business. If you are always chasing new money, you are losing sight of the old money that you’ve left on the table. Why would you leave good money on the table? That’s a silly thing to do, but entrepreneurs do it every day.
When I talk about leaving money on the table, I am referring to the money you could have made from previous customers, if you were not so fixated on making new sales. There are so many ways that you can make more money from your existing customers. To discover what these strategies are read my article Really Simple Sales Solutions.
ermm.. nice idea … this is great.. thank you..