Upcoming Events
Would you love to spend a weekend with me working on your online business? Inside the SistaSense Weekend Workshop Experience you will have the time, support and space you need to develop new digital products and content while mapping out your plan of action with strategy and intention! Act now, jump in, register today!

Weekend Workshops
Registration Options

Option #1: It’s time to get those great product ideas out of your head and into the world! Join me for the Print Your Profits Weekend Workshop and I will show you how to use my latest templates to self-publish your own beautiful branded products on a budget and tap into new profits SistaSense Style. Print Your Profits Weekend Workshop is happening October 11-13 | Greenville NC | Hilton Greenville
- Create Your Branded Printable Product
- Create Your Sales Success Map
- Create Your Content Marketing Calendar

Option #2: Fire Start Your Year by mapping out your 2020 business projects and goals with strategy and intention. Create your personal plan of action to stay on track with! This series will provide you with SMART start solutions to putting Your Content Marketing and Sales on Auto-Pilot, Quickly Creating Quality Digital Offers, Using Audio, Video and Email Marketing to Wow, Woo and Win Customers Online, and more! Fire Start Your Year 2020 Weekend Workshop is happening January 17- 19 | Greenville NC | Hilton Greenville
- Create a Fire Start Your Year 2020 Plan of Action
- Set Your New Year Revenue, Reach and Routines Goals
- Work On a Plug and Publish Profit Project

Option #3: Upgrade and save $250 when you register for both the Print Your Profits Workshop and the Fire Start Your Year 2020 Weekend Workshop. Full registration and Payment Plan options available. Space is limited.

EXTRA DETAILS + EXCLUSIVE BONUSES: SistaSense in-person weekend workshops are hosted in a private Suite at the beautiful Hilton Greenville Hotel here in Greenville, North Carolina. Together in an intimate group of 2-5 women, we will work on your online business plans, products, progress, and profit. Registration includes the 3-Day Workshop, the Virtual Workshop ($97 Value), a 60-minute 1-on-1 Strategy Session ($200 Value), 90-Day Mastermind Pass ($150 Value), and VIP access to the Back to Business Virtual Conference Live Sessions and Replays ($197 Value).

BIG BONUS #2: Most Entrepreneurs are great at starting, but they suck at finishing! Does that sound like you? If that statement is even slightly true, I want to make sure that you have all the support you need to succeed. Registration includes invitations to join our LIVE Accountability calls (with replays) and private Facebook Mastermind Group with support, productivity tips, and strategies that will motivate you to move and maintain your momentum towards your money, marketing, and sales goals.
Inside Look


DISCLAIMER: With 17+ years experience building successful online businesses, LaShanda Henry is motivated to help you make sense of making money online. But please keep in mind neither LaShanda Henry nor the SistaSense brand or its affiliates can guarantee that you will make any money or generate any sales using the materials made available here. Your success rate and results are completely dependent upon the effort that you put into your business. Before completing any purchases via the SistaSense platform, please use your best judgement when deciding whether or not this is the right investment for you. While LaShanda Henry and the SistaSense Partners Team is dedicated to sharing the best quality information to help your business grow, you want to make sure you use your best judgment when investing into your business. If you have questions contact support@sistasense.com or use the voice message button on the right side of this page. Thank you.
About sistasense
Work at home mom with a passion for building websites and helping other women make sense of making money online.
LaShanda Henry is the founder of SistaSense; a business training, mentorship, and networking community for women entrepreneurs. With a degree in Computer Science from Columbia University, LaShanda has had a long-standing love of all things tech. Ms. Henry is a true pioneer in the world of teaching technology and online entrepreneurship to black women entrepreneurs. Over the past two decades, LaShanda has been featured on platforms including Essence, BlackEnterprise, Madame Noire, Ebony, Huffington Post and UNC-TV for her expertise in online marketing, blogging, and social media.Her mission is to inspire others to actualize their personal dreams and business goals through the use of technology. Her desire to create a supportive space for highly-driven black women has turned into a thriving community of successful business owners reaching, teaching and empowering others to live their best lives.
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